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Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Ohmygod. My Profs are fucking funny I swear. I decided to check my school mail after not logging in since like exams ended and there were 2 emails from 2 different profs informing us about the release of our final grades.

Of course I already know my final grades la but I just read the emails for the heck of it.

This is what my Academic writing Prof said:

I have just been given permission to publish your pending results on our section's site on SMUvista. So, please take a few minutes to look at your results and grades. Blah blah blah.

Then she sent another mail to apologize about how although she had updated our "grammar quiz 2" component, the system failed to reflect if we checked at that time, the thing would say that we scored an F.

I have now rectified it, and published the MARKS for Grammar Quiz 2, so please look at your results again, and I hope you can see your real marks now!

I apologize for the misery it must have caused all of you to see your grade as F,a although SOME of you did really get that grade for that quiz, sadly.


And then I checked my mail from my BGS instructor who also announced that our results are out and that:

As a reminder, the informal release of the grade is not a “first offer” of a grade. I will not entertain any bargaining for a better grade.

We release the grades before submitting them to the registrar in order to give you a chance to let us know of any apparent data entry error, and that’s all.
So if you have a reasonable doubt that such a clerical error occurred, do let me know as soon as possible. If you don’t know what reasonable doubt is, check here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reasonable_doubt.

HAHAHA!LOVE MY SCHOOL. I am going to check that out.

3:55 AM

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Before I start talking about today, I want to shout out to my cousins.

I MISS ALL OF YOU ALOT ALOT: MAR,REG,ROW,ANGE and I know it's sometimes my fault that we don't meet very often but let's try and find some time to meet even though Mar and Row - both of you are working and are prolly really busy and Ange is just busy well..eating.


SO today I went to the zoo with Matt (sorry didn't invite anybody cause we wanted it to be a date thing.) and I'm never working at the zoo as long as I stay in Pasir Ris. The journey is a total killer. Plus today of all days my flu decided to act up again a little so it was pretty annoying.

Went in, looked at the usual stuff..Matt was damn excited cause the last time he went to the zoo was before it renovated but the last time I went was when it was relatively new with cousins! Or at least some of us. Haha..Took photos mostly of the animals and not so much of ourselves cause that's the purpose of visiting the zoo after all..BUT before I upload photos of the zoo, check out the outfit that I chose especially for this trip! - Prints tank (I saw it ytd and I couldn't resist buying it for the occasion) and my peacock feather head piece and and of course my leopard printed shoes. HAHA. So over the top I know. If people couldn't guess where I was heading to then they probably have an IQ of an ant.
Sss-nazzy outfit

The Outback section of the zoo!

Manifestation of the devil.
"It means no worries..for the rest of our daayyss"

Damn scary. It was pacing back and forth while looking at everyone in the eye. Matt says that the spirit of the crazy suicidal man still resides in there that's why it was pacing around nervously. Btw it seems really impossible to get in! Wonder how that guy did it.


Matt admitted that he looks like a chimp. Haha I had to take a photo so you all can make comparisons.(It's all in the ears I say!)

Small but they smell fucking deadly. The KFC was located quite near by their stupid enclosure and when someone left the door open, the smell just wafted in and hit us so bad it was hard to keep our food down.

Swung it's trunk round and round so hard I swear I saw it fly for abit.

Oh btw I saw this elephant pass out it's waste and stuff and it's UGLY. Like coconuts falling from a tree and like a big fat hose turned on to full blast.

Rmb someone saying 1 of them is mad cause it's like all enclosed and stuff. Poor thing. I would go mad also if I knew I was supposed to be snowy white but looked as if I hadn't showered in years.
Favourite animals at the mo' for obvious reasons.
1 male lion perched on top of the highest rock while the other females lay in a corner. Very sexist. Plus Matt had to add "walao the male shiok sia every night. Can pick and choose." DISGUSTING LA YOU. So I said "So now you wanna have a mass orgy with unknown girls?" and to my horror he replied "No la just you can already you ARE 5 people."

I'm quite sure their surnames are Chia.

Naughty orang utan was hanging upside down spitting saliva at passers-by.
Matt (jokingly): No wonder my hair felt wet
Me: Maybe it will make your hair grow faster.

Big fat man of the jungle. If i'm not wrong they share 98% of our DNA! I'm quite thankful for the remaining 2% that they lack.

Then we bought the photos that the zoo photog took for us when we entered the zoo as a souvenier and we happily left the zoo =)

PS: We have been shitting in sync TWICE today and I'm quite positive it was when we were eating KFC and accidentally swallowed some of the dirty smelly goat air.

7:49 AM

Tuesday, December 1, 2009
My parents just came home from work. I was just listening to Chris Brown's "I can transform ya" and my dad was totally rapping over it tunelessly.

"I am so hungry-where is my naan-i want my naan."

We're having Indian food for dinner yaaaayyy!

2:50 AM

Monday, November 30, 2009
A Matthias Siow a day,
Keeps insanity at bay.

Looks like I'm one step closer to insanity.


6:42 AM

Sunday, November 29, 2009
Today was the first day I cooked something independently without anybody's help!

All thanks to the fact that Liz had to go back to Pasir Ris to do some cleaning and that godma is sick and ate her own porridge so Claire and I had to cook instant noodles!

I am very happy with myself =)

So first we put water in the pot and let it boil and I cooked Claire's noodles without any problem (except that I forgot to put in the chilli powder but it was okay with her because she didn't want it too spicy) So SUCCESS NUMBER ONE!

Then it was my turn and I ate this ramen thingy so it was damn easy cuz like Claire's noodles were like all broken up whereas mine was one round piece of thing. But after opening it up I realised that there was no seasoning so I thought maybe the seasoning is already like encapsulated in the noodles or something. So happily I put it in the boiling water where my egg broke automatically because silly Claire left it near the sink where it rolled right in and broke but I saved it in time and plopped it into the pot!

Then after awhile, the pot started bubbling very weirdly and there was alot of foam and stuff and I thought there wasn't enough water so I poured more in. Then like in 10 seconds or so, 1 orange and 1 white plastic packets floated up and I was like OH SHIT THAT'S THE SEASONING! So I panicked and switched off the fire and decided to throw everything away. (Claire: "Nvm still can! You just take out the plastic then can still cook!" I tried very hard to explain to her that I cannot drink soup which had just been boiled with plastic flavouring because it's poisonous.)

The throwing away part was funny because I made Claire hold open a plastic bag while I scooped noodles out of the pot with my chopsticks and threw it inside then the hot soup kept splashing on her HAHA. Then the small remaining bits had to be thrown into the sink (together with the egg) and the drain thingy was clogged up and I think the draining thing is very very disgusting.

Me: Eeeee now we have to get the noodles and the egg out from the drain thing. You dare?

Claire: I daarreee!

She started complaining after awhile.

So we had to restart the process of me cooking my noodles the second time by which I made sure that I took the seasoning out before dumping everything in. (Sometimes I don't blame some of you for thinking I'm stupid but most of the time I am really quite smart.)

Put in the egg and seasoning and waited for it to cook! When it was done, I put my bowl in the sink to get ready to pour the noodles in (I put it in the sink cuz I was afraid that I'd dirty the table if I misaimed or something.) and it was perfect! Except now it was too hot to carry out of the sink. So I came up with the bright idea of using a plate as a "tray" for the bowl but it wasn't bright enough because I still had to transfer the bowl out of the sink onto the plate. SO Claire came up with a brighter idea: "I know! You put the plate in the sink also la then can carry the bowl onto the plate easier!"

I have taught you well sis.

But then there was another problem! It was simply too hot for me to lift it up =( I hate hot things. I don't even like bathing in hot water. But Claire was very daring! She volunteered to lift it for me!

Claire: I do I do I can

Me: No you cannot it's too hot!

Claire: YES I CAN!


(This part kinda reminded me about that scene in finding nemo so I decided not to be like Marlin and just let her try. Isn't it funny how just ytd I posted something about Nemo? Haha. )

Claire: You see ah I carry....


So we high fived!



And I happily carried the plate out and started eating.

This was a very fruitful experience and what I've learnt from this experience is this: soup is merely very tasty water.

9:44 PM

Went to church again today as usual and met Sher & Jon and Mel & Ben there! So we went out for lunch tgt after mass - all 6 of us squueeeezed into Matt's tiny car. haha..

Back at Matt's place after lunch, I was getting abit bored so i started reading mylifeisaverage. Then I came across this rather funny one and told Matt about it.

"Today, I was having a family discussion (including my grandparents) about emos. Since they didn't know what being emo was, I explained it to to them. After listening to my explanation, my grandfather replied "I thought emo was the name of a fish from a cartoon"

So Matt and I laughed and then he coolly implied that the grandfather was being silly because "HAHAHA THAT'S ELMO."

I laughed even harder. NOW MYLIFEISAVERAGE.

6:33 AM

Monday, November 23, 2009
OMG. Clare just watched New Moon illegally and told me that it is quite disappointing..I'm still gonna be watching it though since I'm such a big fan of the book (the whole concept of it. Not so much of her writing.)
So we kinda just spent the last half hour or more discussing how Stewart basically sucks and has perpetually 2 main expressions. (Clare: Even Brittany Snow can play a better Bella!) (I kinda agree cuz I think she has abit of the Bella look) Plus Pattinson is not exactly that good an actor also AND to me he really doesn't look like an Edward. So I was being bored and googling to see how Dakota Fanning looks like as Jane until I chanced on this website which said that Ryan from high school musical was sorta selected to be Alec but they didn't choose him in the end because he was too tall for Dakota. WHYYY OHH WHYYY =( And it also told me who Meyer's first choice for Edward was! OH. MY. GOD! I AM SO UPSET THEY DIDN'T CHOOSE HIM INSTEAD BECAUSE HE MORE OR LESS FITS MY EDWARD.

He's kinda unknown la..a Henry Cavill. But but he has abit of that ancienty look like he was from old England kinda look! And isn't that what Edward is supposed to be cause he's supposed to be pretty old and stuff! AHHHH..and they didn't choose him precisely cause he looks too old to be 17. Well I think they can make him look kinda 17 if they tried! Even if they can't he is still sooo much better than Patty.

It's abit sad that I kinda cannot rmb how my Edward looks like anymore because everything is kinda spoilt once you put a face to it..

8:28 AM

I'm a bitch, I'm a lover
I'm a child, I'm a mother
I'm a sinner, I'm a saint
I'm your health, I'm your dream
I'm nothing in between
You know you wouldn't want it any other way.

Awesome A level results...
Which would land me in a local Uni
Ferragamo flats
New wallet which must not be black yet again
Long flowy dress
Watch (haven't layed eyes on an extremely nice one yet though) WORLD PEACE.ERADICATE POVERTY.



DEAR CHAR,(state problem here)

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