Ohmygod. My Profs are fucking funny I swear. I decided to check my school mail after not logging in since like exams ended and there were 2 emails from 2 different profs informing us about the release of our final grades.
Of course I already know my final grades la but I just read the emails for the heck of it.
This is what my Academic writing Prof said:
I have just been given permission to publish your pending results on our section's site on SMUvista. So, please take a few minutes to look at your results and grades. Blah blah blah.Then she sent another mail to apologize about how although she had updated our "grammar quiz 2" component, the system failed to reflect if we checked at that time, the thing would say that we scored an F.
I have now rectified it, and published the MARKS for Grammar Quiz 2, so please look at your results again, and I hope you can see your real marks now!
I apologize for the misery it must have caused all of you to see your grade as F,a although SOME of you did really get that grade for that quiz, sadly.HAHAHA!And then I checked my mail from my BGS instructor who also announced that our results are out and that:
As a reminder, the informal release of the grade is not a “first offer” of a grade. I will not entertain any bargaining for a better grade.
We release the grades before submitting them to the registrar in order to give you a chance to let us know of any apparent data entry error, and that’s all.
So if you have a reasonable doubt that such a clerical error occurred, do let me know as soon as possible. If you don’t know what reasonable doubt is, check here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reasonable_doubt. HAHAHA!LOVE MY SCHOOL. I am going to check that out.
3:55 AM
My parents just came home from work. I was just listening to Chris Brown's "I can transform ya" and my dad was totally rapping over it tunelessly.
"I am so hungry-where is my naan-i want my naan."
We're having Indian food for dinner yaaaayyy!
2:50 AM